2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark

2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark

What is going on in the automotive world? Seriously. In order to visualize their out-of-the-box thinking and in their attempts to stand out from the crowd, some tuners craft out (I am not really sure if the word "craft" is right when we talk about failures) something that is not even good enough for a low-budget cartoon production. If making a model which can only stand for displeasing intrusiveness is a skill, then the Japanese tuning company Office-K definitely has it.
Stripping down the luxurious Italian flavor of the Ferrari 458 Spider, Office-K designs (I swear such verbs simply do not fit the spoiled look of the Ferrari) an outrageously awful body styling which does nothing but obliterating the initial concept of the vehicle. The new look of the Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark screams out "Ugliness", with a gigantic capital letter! If the tuner's goal was to make a completely unattractive look, it almost succeeded. I say almost because if unattractiveness had feelings, even it would get offended by this hideousness.
The modified exterior seems to have been done in a two-stage process. Firstly, there is an underlying layer of galvanized steel, followed by a topcoat of transparent gold and pearl framework. If we exclude this eye-not-pleasing finish and the Forgiato Aguzzo-M 22-inch rims which have the same color as a matter ejected from the stomach through the mouth, there is something else that significantly contributes to the overall unpleasantness: the shark mouth painted on the front end of the Ferrari! Instead of conveying the message "danger, get away from me", the shark front fascia theme cries out "meh, I'm ugly and it couldn't be any worse." Wait! It can! Did you notice the creepy teddy bear lurking between the front seats?
At least the 4.5-liter, 562-horsepower V8 engine under the hood hasn't been replaced by a decorated brick.
Source: Office-K


2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark
2015 Office-K Ferrari 458 Spider Golden Shark